
Subha Satya Rishitha Kodamalla

Data Analyst

About Candidate


University of North Texas 2024

Work & Experience

Data Analyst 2021 - 2023
Latentview Analytics

Led demand forecasting for large beverage company based on historical global sales data to predict the future forecast using statistical methodologies • Optimized the code to reduce time complexity by 75 percent using merge/hash techniques • Analyzed primary products and created segmentation approach to key trends across key subareas using Synthesio • Created 10 Tableau and Power BI dashboards to showcase forecasting analysis to present to business stakeholders • Spearheaded an Amazon review Sentiment analysis project, utilizing the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) algorithm to discern sentiment from customer reviews. By employing LDA and Topic Modeling, I extracted underlying patterns and themes within the reviews, providing 70 percent reacted positive where as 30 percent gave negative mainly in packaging and delivery issues

Data Visualization Engineer 2023 - 2023
Botanical Research Institute of Technology

Transformed data repository of 50,000 species entries into optimized structure for storage and downstream processing tasks involving Business Intelligence • Created a dashboard to showcase recommendation for storage space required based on current knowledge repository size having cross-functional species


SQL, Python, Tableau,SAS, Power BI, Excel, Azure